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We are Everything Companion Care is and lots more!
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We are Providing ways for seniors to live longer, in the comfort of their homes and to enjoy quality life! 

How Silver Angels Home Care Can Make a Difference

Research shows that older people who remain at home live longer and happier lives than do people of similar circumstances who are forced to leave their homes to live in other environments. By providing a safe, secure and comfortable environment in their own home, everyone in the family benefits.

Silver Angels  
Home Care
Our services are as diverse as the people we assist, but many of the staples of daily living are listed below. Examples of how we can help are:

Household Duties:
Light cleaning, laundry, pet care, meal planning, clipping coupons, cooking, watering plants, sewing, taking out the garbage, answering the door and phone, supervising home maintenance and outside services.

Grocery and clothes shopping, going to doctors appointments, mailing letters, going to the dry cleaners, buying and wrapping gifts.

Personal Services:
Arranging appointments, maintaining a personal calendar, letter writing, exercise assistance, arranging entertainment, playing games, medication reminders, assistance with bathing and grooming, driving to church services.

Restaurant dining, attending movies and the theater, participating in social events such as church bingo, club meetings and lectures, travel companionship.

Regular Communication:
.Weekly telephone and face-to-face conferences with our clients and their families are an important part of our quality program and are included in the overall fees.

Silver Angels Home Care Services
These special services are designed to keep everyone smiling and are available for a nominal fee.

Medical Advocacy
Participating in doctors appointments, asking the right questions and following up with insurance providers to assure all the benefits and options are understood is what medical advocacy can do or your family.

Computer Training
Connecting to the world through the computer and the Internet can be a key activity for many seniors with the desire to learn. We can help teach the basics including using email and surfing the web.

Mail Sorting & Bill Paying
Knowing whats real and whats advertising is becoming increasingly difficult. We can help prevent fraud by removing and shredding unsolicited mail. Assuring bills are paid in a timely manner includes writing and mailing checks, balancing the checkbooks and reporting back to concerned family members.

Light Exercise Routines
Keeping active through a light exercise routine helps keep our minds and our bodies fit as well as preventing accidents caused by weakness. We can customize a light exercise routine to help maintain balance and muscle strength.

Special Event Planning
Wedding anniversaries, birthdays and special family occasions are exciting but stressful for the planner. Tell us your budget and we can make your event one theyll never forget and youll be happy to take all the credit.

In-Home Personal Chef

Chef Allyson, founder of Home Ready Cuisine will make her services available to our clients. She specializes in "In-Home Gourmet Meal."

In-Home Monitoring System

With the assistance of the Nightingale Emergency Response Unit, your loved ones can feel safe and confortable, knowing that help is just a "button push" away.

What Kind of Help Do We Need?

Youve already started the process by recognizing you or someone you love has a need for assistance. The cost of living in a full service facility for seniors averages over $4,300 per month in our area and may not be the best solution at this point in time. Staying in the home longer by using our supplemental services helps prevent accidents that would hasten the need for medical support and most importantly, it will extend financial resources by paying for only the level of service required as well as making everyone in the family happier.

Complimentary Needs Profile

We start the process by meeting with you in the home and developing a comprehensive Needs Profile, which is based on the guidelines, set by the National Association of Geriatric Care Managers. The profile touches on numerous areas including overall health, physical limitations, mental and emotional states, general household safety, preferred activities, driving abilities, family involvement and future plans.

Developing a Care Plan

Only after our Care Manager gets to know you and your family can she begin to develop a Care Plan recommendation that will define what areas of daily life we can facilitate. The Care Plan is a living document that will change as our relationships evolve.

Beyond the First Day

After selecting the right Caregiver and setting up schedules, we begin. Your Care Manager then meets weekly with everyone to monitor the quality of our service and adjust the program as needed.


"U Care, We Care Calling Program"





v     Assisting distant and busy families with direct communication and care of a loved one. We offer 3 Basic Plans:


v     Basic Plan 1: $29.99 per month

A personalized phone call twice a week is made by one of our trained Caregivers just to see how the client is feeling. Notification is made as requested if something does not appear to be normal.


v     Plan 2: $49.95 per month

In addition to the personalized checkup twice a week, one of our Trained Caregivers calls and talks with the client 10-15 mins. per week. This offers friendship especially for those individuals who are unable to get out of the house.


v     Deluxe Plan 3: $70 - $125.00 per month

A personalized telephone call is made 3-4 times a week. In addition, 10-15 mins per week is spent on the phone with the client to provide encouragement, and someone to talk to. (All calls are confidential)


17011 Beach Blvd., Suite 900
Huntington Beach, CA 92647