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Caregiver Quiz

"Is it okay to take a break even though my loved one needs me?"

How well are you coping as a caregiver? Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Think you may be getting burned-out? Take this short quiz and see how you're doing. Remember, Silver Angels Home Care, LLC is your one-stop resource for any eldercare issues.

Scoring: Select the choice below which best answers each question for your situation.

Question Score
How often are you abnormally tired?
How often do you feel short-tempered?
How often do you lose interest in activities that you are usually interested in?
How frequently do you spend at least 15 hours a week caring for your loved one?
How often do you feel isolated?
How frequently do you find yourself eating more (or less), smoking more cigarettes, or using more alcohol or drugs to cope?
How often do you have conflicts with the person that you are caring for?
How often is your relationship with your family strained due to care giving issues?
How often do you and your spouse/children argue?
How often have you found yourself forgetting appointments or deadlines?
How often do you need help from other family members and you do not receive it?
How often do you suffer from "minor" physical complaints (e.g. headaches, backaches)?
How frequently do you have difficulty making decisions?
How often do you cry?


0-17 points indicate that you are coping well.
18-28 points indicate that you are coping adequately but could use assistance.
29-38 points indicate that your coping skills are potentially strained.
39 or more points indicate that you may be or close to experiencing caregiver burnout.

If you scored greater than 18, you may want to discuss your situation with Silver Angels Home Care, LLC. Send an email to: info@silverangelshomecare.com or call Silver Angels Home Care, LLC directly at (714) 375-6670.


The Caregiver Tips 

17011 Beach Blvd., Suite 900
Huntington Beach, CA 92647