We are Everything Companion Care is and lots more!
Caregiver Quiz
"Is it okay to take a break even though my loved one
needs me?"
How well are you coping as a caregiver? Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Think
you may be getting burned-out? Take this short quiz and see how you're doing. Remember, Silver Angels Home Care, LLC is
your one-stop resource for any eldercare issues.
Scoring: Select the choice below which best answers each question for your
0-17 points indicate that you are coping well. 18-28 points indicate that
you are coping adequately but could use assistance. 29-38 points indicate that your coping skills are potentially strained. 39
or more points indicate that you may be or close to experiencing caregiver burnout.
If you scored greater than 18, you may want to discuss your situation with
Silver Angels Home Care, LLC. Send an email to: info@silverangelshomecare.com or call Silver Angels Home Care, LLC directly at (714)