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We are Everything Companion Care is and lots more!
The Vision, Mission, Goal

What We Do Best

Silver Angels Home Care, LLC primarily provides affordable non-medical companion care to our elderly population in Orange County, with immediate target communities as: Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Newport Coast, Laguna Beach, Dana Point, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano and Los Angeles counties.


We believe in providing help around the house for people who are not quite making it in their own homes, but who are equally not ready to go to an assisted living facility or live with children.


When people age, they invariable reach a point where they are not able to do as much as they used to. At this age, there were traditionally two options:

(1) To live with relatives; (2) To go to an assisted-living facility or a nursing home. Both options have meant moving out of their homes, away from all of their possessions, and many times away from a lifetime of memories.


In order to avoid the need to move out of their homes, many seniors rely on their family members to visit them periodically and help them with the things they are unable to do. This puts a huge burden on most of the families who are trying to care for their elderly relatives. Millions of man-hours are lost to companies in America because of employees who are struggling to take care of elderly relatives. Worse, many families no longer enjoy the relationship they once had with their parents or grandparents.


With Silver Angels Home Care, these scenarios need not happen any longer. Our company is given the opportunity of providing dedicated and compassionate caregivers to an ever-increasing numbers of seniors. In other words, Silver Angels Home Care will run, operate and own a staffing firm, which provides staff, qualified caregivers in this case, to seniors and their families who need the help.


Our caring service makes it possible for the elderly to maintain as much independence as possible, by providing the appropriate in home assistance and companionship, thereby lifting spirits, not only of the elderly, but of the family caregivers.


Our Primary Goal:

We have elected to serve others and find great satisfaction in giving. We will therefore continously strive towards this.


Our Mission
Silver Angels Senior Care provides effective solutions to build and support healthy families for
Orange Countys seniors.

Our Vision
We envision Silver Angels Senior Care as a city and state leader in providing responsive, relevant, high quality personalized services to meet the needs of individuals - seniors, families, and communities at large. In this endeavor, SAS will provide a continuum of effective, efficient and humane services so that seniors are empowered to live independently as they desire. SAS will promote partnerships among public and private agencies devoted to serving the best interests of seniors in
Orange County, and to achieve mutual goals through establishing good faith communication, fostering trust and honoring commitments.

Our Values
Service: Maintain the highest standards of quality in our services using performance measures that are outcome based and utilize the findings of our total quality improvement system to meet changing client and customer needs.

Integrity: Maintain faithfulness to our
Mission and the highest standards of ethical and professional behavior within a supportive work environment.

Innovation: Provide leadership in the development of creative research-based programs for seniors that explore new approaches in community-based and personalized care.

Respect: Maintain genuine respect for the worth and dignity of all persons with whom we work and a commitment to teamwork that encourages input from stakeholders and the people we serve.

Diversity: Maintain employment policies that promote diversity and cultural competency in the development and administration of policies and delivery of services. Capitalize on the strength of our geographic and programmatic diversity, while simultaneously pursuing the objectives of the  organization.

Stewardship: Maintain responsible stewardship of Silver Angels Senior Cares financial and human resources while growing and maintaining adequate resources to address the needs of the clients we serve.

Code of Ethics & Commitment to Quality of Life

We Will

·         pursue our mission to protect our clients and families with vigorous determination;

·         utilize fully our professional skills to ensure for each client the appropriate care required; 

·         respect the uniqueness of each clients race, culture, and religion, always striving to instill a sense of self-worth; individuality; and empowerment; as well as the responsibilities of citizenship;

·         help seniors live a life of  individuality and purpose

·         respect the rights of each client by obtaining their informed consent and participation in decision making; by protecting their right to confidentiality and to refuse service; and by ensuring their right to file a grievance;

·         ensure that all services are relevant to client needs (that is, personalized) and adhere to the highest standards of our profession;

·         strive to employ and retain staff whose values, ethics, skills and capacity to care for others cause them to be exemplary role models for clients and co-workers:

·         provide services as cost-effectively as possible and utilize our financial resources as carefully and prudently as our personal funds;

·         abide by all laws and regulations; generally accepted accounting principles, the provisions of our executed contracts, agreements, leases or other obligations, and the standards of the Council on Aging; all of which are understood to comprise the minimal benchmarks for operations;

·         advocate for the best social, emotional, and other interests of our clients and families among local, state and federal government legislatures and agencies;

·         represent our mission, services, finances and intentions openly and honestly;

·         perform our respective roles as staff with utmost integrity, honesty, diligence, and good faith and commit our talents and energy to serve the needs of our clients and their  families. Our staffs skills will continually be fine tuned through extensive training in their areas of specialty. We will continue to reinforce Silver Angels principles and code of ethics as well as evaluate staff performance on a yearly basis.


The Principles Silver Angels Management and other employees live by:

  • Foster Individuality: We believe that seniors have a right to live as they desire. At Silver Angels we recognize our customers uniqueness. As such, seniors are involved in the overall care plan.
  • Privacy protection: We are committed to our customers personal dignity and privacy. We can assure you that while caring for our clients, we will maintain a professional stance.
  • Freedom of Choice: Our seniors and their families make their own choices and inevitable create their plans. Our employees assist our customers in customizing their service plan, to suit their needs.
  • Customized Care plan: One-on-one attention is given to all clients and their families. Our personal approach to senior care not only makes the senior feel comfortable, but also promotes a sense of self-pride, dignity and a heightened selfesteem.
  • Our seniors understand that they are a big part of the care plan. As such they do not experience a lack of control.
  • Preserving Dignity and Self Esteem:  Every senior is esteemed as a unique individual. We show that we value their experiences. Hence, our services reflect respect for our seniors. Our team of professionals ensures that our clients experience our appreciation for their lives and their individuality.
  • Independence: The core of our service is to promote and ensure independence for our seniors. Our personalized services ensure that our seniors are empowered in all decision making.
  • Spiritual Awakening: We believe that an effective way to break a spirit is by deprivation. Our personal engagement with our customers encourages a fun-filled, active, enjoyable and meaningful life. We care for our seniors body, mind and spirit.
  • Engaging Families and friends: We are committed to engaging our clients loved ones in the support and care of the senior.



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17011 Beach Blvd., Suite 900
Huntington Beach, CA 92647