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We are Everything Companion Care is and lots more!
Life Steps for the Elderly Vision

The Vision & Core Values

Our Vision
We envision Silver Angels Senior Care Foundation, Inc. as a city, state and global leader in providing responsive, relevant, high quality personalized services to meet the needs of individuals - seniors, families, and communities at large. In this endeavor, we will provide a continuum of effective, efficient and humane services so that seniors are empowered to live independently as they desire. SAS will promote partnerships among public and private agencies devoted to serving the best interests of seniors in
Orange County, and to achieve mutual goals through establishing good faith communication, fostering trust and honoring commitments.

At the present time, our parent company Silver Angels Home Care, LLC. receives referrals from organizations such as the Association of Alzheimers Disease, the Office of Aging, various hospitals- Hoag Hospital as an example, Social Workers, Discharge Planners and attorneys all over Orange County.

*Please note that Silver Angels Senior Care Foundations, Intl is used interchangeably with its acronym (SAS.)

SAS Values
ServiceMaintain the highest standards of quality in our services using performance measures that are outcome based and utilize the findings of our total quality improvement system to meet changing client and customer needs.

IntegrityMaintain faithfulness to our
Mission and the highest standards of ethical and professional behavior within a supportive work environment.

InnovationProvide leadership in the development of creative research-based programs for seniors that explore new approaches in community-based and personalized care.

RespectMaintain genuine respect for the worth and dignity of all persons with whom we work and a commitment to teamwork that encourages input from stakeholders and the people we serve.

DiversityMaintain employment policies that promote diversity and cultural competency in the development and administration of policies and delivery of services. Capitalize on the strength of our geographic and programmatic diversity, while simultaneously pursuing the objectives of the organization.

StewardshipMaintain responsible stewardship of Silver Angels Senior Cares financial and human resources while growing and maintaining adequate resources to address the needs of the clients we serve.

Can you volunteer your time to help a senior? We are looking for volunteers in Orange and Los Angeles Areas.
Can you donate money to help serve a senior in these counties? Will you like to help other seniors to Africa? Your help is appreciated.
"Our 501c3 status is pending."

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